Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Good-bye Suwanee :(


The time has come.. I am leaving my baby area!! I am headed off to Sandy Plains in the Marrietta zone which is the farthest west in our mission. I haven't heard much about the area other than the fact that the ward is on fire and they are teaching a lot. I don't know whether to feel super excited or super sad. I've been an emotional wreck for days ever since Sister H got her training call which meant that I was for sure outta there. So I've been preparing for a few days. Also... I chopped off my hair. Haha I know, typical sister missionary move. Getting bored with her hair, but I feel like now is the time I can try whatever I want because I don't have anyone I'm trying to impress.. right? Lol. 

This week was the longest week of my life. Not gonna lie. It snowed like crazy here and everyone was freaking out and it was nuts here in good ol' Georgia. Wednesday president said don't go out unless its safe... So Sista H and I took that as we could go out because we are both used to snow. So we left the apartment at like noon after calling a bunch of people and got home at like 7. Turns out that we were one of the only missionaries that went out. Hahaha. It was a super hard day but I look back on it and I was really glad we did end up going out because we saw SO many miracles. There was one point in the day that we were tracting and Sister H and I just started bawling because we had no idea what to do and it was freezing and everyone who would open the door was like "Girls why are you outside?" and then just slam the door in our faces. Ugh. It sucked. But too many miracles!! 

So we ran into this less active randomly on the street when we were walking to a member's house. He was like you gals should come over sometime. So we looked up his address in our ward book and went over the next day and it turns out that he did not live there. So just as we were walking down the steps getting ready to leave the apartment building we ran into him and set up a return appointment. If the timing would've been even two minutes earlier or two minutes later we would've missed him!! Also one night we were walking home for the night we ran into this lady named Brenda who was taking her dog out. Turns out that Sister George and I had met her a couple months back and we helped her bring her groceries up to her apartment and she wasn't interested in the gospel then. She told Sista H and I that she wanted to take the lessons and we met with her the next day. It BLOWS MY MIND how Heavenly Father's timing works. Ahhh I love it!

Debbie... was a lost cause this week. Neither Sister Galt or we could get in contact with her all week. She probably left the country again but I am just praying she gets home before Wednesday so I can say goodbye to her. MARSHA on the other hand.. GOLDEN investigator. LOVE her!! We had 3 lessons with her this week. On one of them she had pulled out the Bible, the Book of Mormon and the concordance (this huge Bible Dictionary) and was studying for like hours. She came to church on Sunday too and the Relief Society was on the Plan of Salvation and she kept telling us how she got the feeling that everything our religion taught seemed familiar to her. #chaching We are going to put her on date on Tuesday and she pretty much will get baptized at the beginning of March. No big deal. Right after I leave. 

Kathy is doing amazing. She is very open about how she reads the Book of Mormon guarded and so we pretty much have to break down her wall, brick by brick and just love her. She does have the desire to find out if the Book of Mormon is true and keeps consistently reading every day. She came to all three hours of church even when she is terrified of small groups and I am so proud of her. She calls me Sister Knightly because I remind her of Audrey Hepburn.. haha. I love Kathy and I'm going to miss her like crazy. Sister Watkins is positive she will get baptized, its just a matter of when. Maybe it will be after my mission so I can come back to Suwanee and see it? Who knows. It's in God's hands. 

We have like 3 new solid investigators this week too!! One is named Hyacinth, she is from Jamaica and she is a author and she is a seeker because she loves and admires Martin Luther and he was a seeker. Her lesson was stellar this week. Also this lady named Kristen and she has an adorable daughter. And then we finally got in with the Lockridges which is a part member family and he agreed to take the lessons!! We have been trying all transfer long to get in with them too!!! 

So many good things are happening here in Suwanee, just as I am leaving. We have finally been able to get in contact with a lot of our potentials and we had 9 LIMPS this week, which NEVER happens. That's almost like UGA status which is like what Sister Heyland is used to.The first week of the transfer we only had 2 LIMPS. But I know that I am leaving now for a reason and I can look back on my time here in Suwanee with no regrets because I left Suwanee better than I found it. I am just so excited for Sister Heyland and her new baby to baptize nations here!! Ward conference is in mid March and so many of our members already have friends and neighbors that they are going to invite. Can I get a yeehaw?! 

1 comment:

  1. So glad to finally find your blog! You would not believe how many times I've tried and there is so many 500 day things! Oh well, it seems great that you are seeing so much success! And yes, it does confirm the idea that the Lord is aware of everything! Hope your weather gets better. Mikaela is coming to Georgia on Friday to see a "friend." He lives in Dallas, Georgia. His name is Aaron Marrietta. Sound like Georgia weather has not been too good to you this winter! It has been a strange winter for everyone! May the Lord continue to bless you! Love, Grandma K
